Apple Store

March 21, 2007

Apple TV - "a pleasure to use"

Apple TV is now shipping from the Apple Store. Early reviews give thumbs-up to Apple's latest TV gadget.

New York Times:
"In looks, it sits at the top of the heap.... requires a widescreen TV — preferably an HDTV.... doesn’t work with the squarish, traditional TVs.... Apple TV doesn’t come with any cables.... integration of iPod, iTunes and Apple TV offers frequent payoffs.... All of this works elegantly and effortlessly.... seamless, trouble-free experience.... Apple TV remote controlApple TV offers a gracious, delightful experience — but requires fidelity to Apple’s walled garden.... Its rivals, meanwhile, offer many more features, but they’re piled into bulkier boxes with much less concern for refinement, logic or simplicity...."

USA Today:
"a breeze to set up.... Rival products tend to be complicated, cumbersome and costly.... stylish gray 1.1-inch tall square box weighs just 2.4 pounds and is not much bigger than a paperback.... The first time you sync iTunes to Apple TV can take an awful long time.... Apple TV presents a dandy way to enjoy [digital entertainment] from the couch rather than desk chair."
Apple TV dimensions
Wall Street Journal:
"Apple TV is tiny.... in our tests, it worked great, and we can easily recommend it for people who are yearning for a simple way to show on their big TVs all that stuff trapped on their computers.... It performed flawlessly.... the comparable Xbox costs 50% more than Apple TV, is much larger and stores only half as much material.... it's a beautifully designed, easy-to-use product that should be very attractive to people with widescreen TV sets and lots of music, videos, and photos stored on computers.... Apple TV's most important limitation is that it can't stream much video or audio directly from the Internet -- yet.... Apple TV is a pleasure to use.... won't work with most older TV sets.... Apple TV is a very well-designed product that easily brings the computer and the TV together."

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